Quality Policy
M5.2.01 - Rev.0 - 29/11/2019
The Management of Soluzioni Piping srl endorses this commitment for implementing the following Quality Policy. The main goal of our company is to guarantee our customers’ complete satisfaction and, in order to achieve it, The Management of Soluzioni Piping srl has identified the following essential general objectives, applicable to the whole organization:
- commercialising faultless products, according to the standards set by the customers and suitable for satisfying their needs;
- guarantee the absolute delivery punctuality;
- ensuring absolute service flexibility (by replying to the requests in the shortest possible time) and support for complaints and problems resolution;
- constantly improving the service efficiency by using all the available resources with no excessive waste and by ensuring the compliance with the current legal provisions, standards and regulations;
- constantly monitoring products’, professional technical services’ and external processes’ suppliers;
- granting all the required needs in order to achieve a policy aimed to optimise the organisation and constant processes’ control;
- ensuring compliance with legal requirements regarding health and working place safety prevention and materials’ disposal;
- maintaining adequate control of the environment for the processes’ functioning by applying and making apply the regulations regarding health and safety;
- creating and maintaining a quality-oriented corporate culture by sharing this policy and the quality objectives;
- promoting and keeping a constant active improvement process designed to reach well identified goals.
In order to facilitate these goals’ achievement, the Management of Soluzioni Piping srl honours the following obligations:
- ensuring the constant business’ progress and expansion;
- controlling the activities in order to guarantee an endless improvement;
- fulfilling all the requirements and legal and regulatory legislations;
- defining, reviewing and constantly keeping the Business’ development strategic guidelines (specified in the current Quality Policy) up to date and suited to the organisation’s goals;
- performing constant audits (whenever possible) at the main suppliers, according to the ISO 9001 standard;
- clearly communicating goals and guidelines within the company by sharing the present Quality Policy in order for everyone to understand and support it;
- ensuring that this document is available to all the interested parties.
The Management of Soluzioni Piping srl believes a documented and in accordance with the requirements of the standard UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 Quality management system is the main tool to implement these policies in the best possible way.
The Management considers the active participation of the organisation’s personnel as essential and, due to this, it intends to maximise this Quality Policy’s spread. Moreover, all the business functions are expected to rigorously perform what clearly described in the Quality management system documentation. Furthermore, Soluzioni Piping srl intends to concentrate its energies on achieving the objectives, aimed at enhancing its productive capacity and quality improvement. To this end, the Management itself takes up the task of monitoring these objectives’ degree of achievement through the use of appropriate indicators in order to annually ensure the effectiveness of the actions taken and their results, in comparison with expectations and proposed goals.
Date 29/11/2019
The Management of Soluzioni Piping srl